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How Can NFT Marketplaces Be Driven To Their Ultimate Potential?

NFT concept. 3D render

NFTs have positively taken over the space of world trade and trade by storm in recent years. The numbers in participation both from the development part – investors, brands, businesses, indie developers, artists, creators, influencers, and anyone with a worthy enough interest in developing a trailblazing NFT marketplace in today’s time – to the consumer end – the NFT investors, gamers, art collectors, and people who resort to the online trade and investment sector.

NFTs – The Bigger Picture

The NFTs have housed and improved a variety of audiences’ lives through their platform. Their lengths and possibilities have been poked and prodded within the same to better the experience for all the parties involved. The most appealing factor and the pull-in factor act as the monetization aspects that can be tapped with almost any of the established and probable future participants of implementations made possible.

Harnessing all these factors, which more or less build upon themselves in the digital space of existence and functioning, the NFTs are the most sought-after piece of technology the world is trying to get behind. There are ways to go about achieving leverage to build your platform with NFTs. Some primary principles that translate for almost all of the varying sectors within the NFTs are – Hyper Utility, community, ticketing & rewards systems, and roadmap. We’ll briefly peek into these four aspects that make marketplaces what they are set out to be.

  • Utility

The utility is the driving force that could potentially push the NFT sector over the ledge to achieve that God-tier status of investment – revenue generation sector. They provide a purpose to the whole dealing other than the monetary gaining aspect and, at the same time, provide a space for participating in the income generation that the participants of the NFT platform could reap. The utility can look and function as different and varied as the marketplace and their unique perspective of the digital asset trading platform they subscribe to. It can be digital-based or physical-based. The utility is one of the main areas where NFTs transcend their “just digital” use case and rather cater to the physical aspects of integrating fun physical elements and trades in it. These can technically be cooped together with the ticketing & rewarding sector – considering the similarities, their bigger role in the grand scheme of things warrants a separate briefing on their own.

  • Ticketing & Rewards In NFTs

The concept of ticketing in the NFTs is driven directly by the actual physical act of ticketing, but these tokens are issued in a unique perspective that comes with all the perks of the NFTs. Any aspect from high security – tamper-proof, rarity & scarcity, and one-of-a-kind issue of tickets to pull-in participants to the marketplace. Rewarding in NFTs also works similarly to ticketing. Still, the extra factor that makes it appealing to the participants is the monetary gains that could benefit them in the marketplace if they pay close enough attention. These are strategies to drive a large group of people to the platform to engage with it and spend their effort getting to know about the project and more.

  • Roadmap

The detailed plan and how the marketplace is planning to execute them, with when, why, and what can be called a roadmap for an NFT marketplace. The marketplace needs to know not to saturate the interface with many releases in one go but to space them out depending upon the resources at the disposal. They need to be clever with approaching each launch and list out details like the release of the secondary marketplaces, listings, merchandising, ticketing & giveaways, etc. The possibilities are endless.

  • Community

Discord, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram are a few of the most popular community platforms where the marketplace can build a family with potential customers and NFT enthusiasts. So it’s best to cater to the audience with exclusive news and details about the project on these platforms so as to appease the participants who take an active part in the marketplace and what it entails.

The Appeal Of NFT Gaming Platforms

The most useful case of the NFT “play to earn” games deployed in the marketplace is the opportunity the platforms provide to invectives its participants. Its most prominent feature is the entertainment value that is accompanied by the monetary gains, and the gamers have full reigns on how their journey on the platform should reflect as. Gamers getting compensated for their time spent on the interface and finding consequential gains from that same aspect is the hyper-utility NFTs are trying to harness, the NFT marketplace that is being developed and deployed in today’s time at least. This helps them find a platform for passive income, breaking the norm of gaming platforms solely receiving the full benefits of the players as the equation was equated before p2e mobiles.