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Hiring Ruby Developers- What You Need to Know

To be a successful business, you need to have an excellent team working behind the scenes to ensure that your vision makes it to fruition. If you’re looking to hire Ruby developers, there are several points you should consider before making that big decision. Our article will cover all you need to know about hiring Ruby developers and what it takes to be a great one yourself!

Who can become a great ruby developer?

Learning how to hire ruby on rails developers can be a challenge. It’s easy when you know what skills and traits you are looking for in your ideal candidate. Check out our guide on how to hire ruby developers! Below is an infographic that will make hiring ruby developers much easier! If you need help hiring, contact us today. We specialize in finding talent for small businesses like yours.

How do you find a good ruby developer?

Not all ruby developers are equal, so it’s important that you find one who’s a good fit for your team. Luckily, there are a few questions you can ask that will help suss out whether or not they’re a good fit. Our panel of experts breaks down their answers and offers advice on finding quality developers at every stage of your hiring process. Check out what they had to say below! technology like ruby , things get even more complicated.  There are many different technologies in use today, and each has its own set of pros and cons. It’s easy to get caught up in buzzwords when hiring for a position like ruby developer, but if you keep these tips in mind, you should be able to hire someone who’s both talented and fits into your company culture.

Some Great Interview Questions

Hiring ruby developers isn’t easy. The more you understand about how your team works, and what they expect of their work environment, the better prepared you’ll be for hiring ruby developers. One way to make sure you have great employees on board is by asking questions during interviews. The right questions can make or break a job candidate. Here are some good ones How would you describe yourself? What’s your greatest strength? What’s your greatest weakness? If I called one of your references right now, what would he/she say about you? Tell me about a time when…(insert problem)…How did you handle it? Give me an example of a time when…(insert success)…What made it successful?

Can you describe what RSpec is and how it works?

RSpec is a testing framework that provides a describe/it syntax for defining tests. Tests written in RSpec are easy to read and maintain, and they are executable specifications of your application’s code. The best way to learn how RSpec works is by example. Let’s walk through an example test from our sample application: MyObject = Struct.new(:foo) do def my_method; end end describe MyObject do it has foo do MyObject.new(1).my_method.should == 1 end end

Can you quickly show me an example of your code?

I’d be happy to! I write code in a number of different programming languages, but my primary language is Ruby. A few years ago, I wrote an open source tool called Agnostic Front End Toolkit (AFE) that allows you to create front end applications without worrying about which technology stack you want to use. It uses Ruby on Rails as its base and allows you to plug in any JavaScript framework or library that you like. For example, if you wanted to build a web application using ReactJS, AFE would allow you to do so by simply changing your view layer. The basic idea behind AFE is that it lets developers focus on building great user experiences instead of having to worry about how they are going to implement their back end.

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Do you know what pull request means?

In general, a pull request (or PR) is a request by one developer asking others to take a look at code they’ve written and consider including it in whatever project they’re working on. The most common way of doing so is on GitHub, where developers can fork (copy) projects, make changes and then open up a pull request—requesting that those who originally created that code merge their improvements into their version.

Are you familiar with the term Gemfile?

Gemfiles are lists of gems and their versions that you keep in your project directory. They allow you to have a single file with all of your dependencies, which makes it easy for other developers on your team, as well as anyone else who might use your code. Gemfiles are also very helpful when it comes time to deploy an application because they’re completely portable and don’t rely on third-party services for configuration.