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How Will a Set Of ‘Virtual’ Tools I Can’t Even See Help Me

If you have found your way to this article then, the chances are that you are considering how you could boost the performance of your business, probably sceptical and, perhaps even wondering how something that sounds as ridiculous as a ‘virtual cloud’ can help your business. Well, quite frankly, if you aren’t up to date with this kind of stuff, then you may as well have your head in the clouds, it may sound daft but, they are the future. A secure, remote home for all your important data;

Why cloud services need to be taken seriously

Some managed IT services companies will guarantee your data and, any other services that you choose to on to take on with you contract, you can be sure that your data won’t disappear overnight if there’s a break in at your business or, if there is an attempt of some kind from a hacker trying to access the date on your devices here are some of the top services you can make use of;

All your data in one place and, given access to whom you want to!

Google Drive

The great thing about cloud services is that you can upload spreadsheets, presentations, and documents, their platform supports Microsoft Office documents or, you can use Google’s services to put the documents together from start to finish. They can be shared with colleagues and edited simultaneously by several persons on multiple machines and you can make use of the added security that comes with using one of the biggest brands in the game and get a free account that comes with 15GB of storage


This is a Microsoft cloud service that allows you to access all of your files from anywhere, it also allows you to store and safeguard your data, they give you a 5GB account for free as well as the ability to share and access them across all of your devices. It works in a similar way to Google Drive but you will have to pay for both services if you want a decent amount of storage.

When you use OneDrive with a corporate or school account, it’s frequently referred to as “OneDrive for work or school.” It was once branded as “OneDrive for Business,” and you may still see it referred to as such in certain places.


Dropbox was.the most popular cloud storage service and, although it continues to grow it has been knocked off of the top spot by companies offering more for less. Dropbox allows users to upload items such as photos and videos from their PCs to a cloud database, it also allows users to save space and rapidly share data. They offer a 2gb free storage plan opposed to Google Drive’s 15GB and OneDrive’s 5GB, it can still be useful, but you can’t really test the system for your business as well as you could do with more data storage. 

And that’s just the storage

Hopefully this helps provide a little more meat to the bone for you, but it is just the start. There are a host of services that can make use of all you need to do is ask and do your best to get everything done for a good price under one roof.