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Robert Turner Briefly Talks About Trauma Counseling

Experiencing a traumatic event can not only take a toll on the physical health and well-being of a person, but also considerably impact their mental state. Trauma essentially is the emotional response that occurs after witnessing or going through overwhelming situations. This can be natural disasters, wars, or even physical assault. Counseling is a useful tool to help people heal and overcome the hurdles they face after such events. Robert Turner particularly helps physical assault victims through counseling. He has assisted many individuals who seek to be free from the trauma they experienced and live fearlessly and productive once again.

Trauma can change the life of a person, often in extremely negative ways. Many people fail to function normally after experiencing a traumatic incident. Their symptoms may be triggered by small, unforeseeable actions, and they may no longer feel like who they were before. Trauma therapy and counseling provide deep, life-changing benefits that can help people to put their life together again.

One of the most advantageous aspects of trauma counseling or therapy is the acknowledgment. The therapist would be a true witness to the trauma suffered by a person, without having any bias. In the counseling session, one can forget about anything else or anyone else and simply talks about themselves and their experience. This is a unique relationship that cannot be offered by any other person.

Each and every friend, co-worker, family member and peer that people meet outside the room of a counselor would have some sort of bias which will influence their mindset. Acknowledgement and being heard are the foundations of trauma therapy and trauma recovery, and trauma counseling majorly focuses on this aspect.

Trauma symptoms are at their worst when a person is feeling helpless and do not know why they are responding with so much fear, anger or despair. Exploration of trauma history is a crucial aspect of trauma therapy.  For several individuals, facing a traumatic incident in their adult life reveals much older and powerful trauma from the past. Such memories may have been ‘papered over’ by insufficient, or even toxic, survival strategies. An experienced and knowledgeable therapist would be in the position to gently lead others through the minefield of memories.  The more a person understands their own self, the more they would be in the driver’s seat of their own life.  Moreover, the better understanding of the history and structure of the trauma they end up acquiring, the more would they be able to explore interventions to reduce the effects of the accumulated traumatic stress. Childhood trauma responds very well to therapy.  Consequently, managing or healing childhood trauma shall support trauma recovery in the present-day, adult life.

According to research, most people who receive counseling experience symptom relief and are better able to function in their lives.  Counseling conducted by professionals like Robert Turner can help people to improve their emotional state and behaviors, while being linked with positive changes in the brain and body.